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1. Represent in bodily form.
2. Represent, as of a character on stage.
3. Represent or express something abstract in tangible form.

Use 'embody' in a sentence:

  1. Below we have a showcase of images that embody just what it is we are talking about.
  2. And when stories embody values in which we don't believe, we tend to reject them.
  3. These characteristics embody the changes of women's roles following social reform.
  4. Similarly, most physical components will embody many functions.
  5. But he did embody one crucial virtue that was key to the gathering's success: a belief in the nobility of compromise.
  6. As we built the team, we realized that we need to codify the characteristics that we wanted the team to embody.
  7. The economic law is based on society embodying compensation systems of punishment etc.
  8. For each technical problem, the architecture team will build one or more executables that embody a solution approach.
  9. Can Functions of design embody the essence of design?
  10. The first is embodied in his essay language features.
  11. Think SOM’s Burj Dubai, which, we are told, is designed “to embody the world’s highest aspirations”.
  12. Fowth, The aesthetical transcendency and the beauty embodying the man's liberty.\\"
  13. Man can embody truth but cannot know it.
  14. And thirdly, it also embodies itself in daily life.
  15. Quantitative assessment of the embodied environmental profile of building materials.
  16. Hammocks are kind of like rocking chairson porches, this vision of serenity people want their lives to embody.
  17. And we all to some degree embody this quality in ourselves.
  18. The book embodies the results of his own original research.
  19. The people's rights are embodied in the laws.
  20. Indeed, the streets of San Jose seem, in some ways, to embody the best of America.
  21. Daughters seem to embody their male relatives' agenda-but with the rough edges planed away.
  22. Develop service tests that embody the service use cases.
  23. These algorithms embody rules that decide which information is "best", and how to measure it.
  24. This document embodies the concern of the government for the deformity.
  25. The new car embodies many improvements.
  26. The basic theory on political science will embody the two characteristics.
  27. The impact to environment embodies in two phases, one is construction phase;
  28. Webber's sculptures embody a refined aesthetic and challenge the conventional possibilities of everyday materials.
  29. The development of society will embody the overall development of human being finally.
  30. British cars, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era.
  31. Modern formation is the best way to embody the aesthetic values.
  32. It's just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.
  33. Physical movements embody the intended meaning of the event, so the whole environment becomes a signifier.
  34. a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth.
  35. The Internationale embodies the revolutionary spirit of the Paris commune.
  36. When key team members hold these values it supports the team as a whole to embody them.
  37. The inditing experiments of searching-root writers and the attempts of avant-grade authors embody these two aspects.
  38. Many people believe that foods shaped like rings or that are round in form embody the year being properly completed.
  39. In fact any ability resulting from practice and cultivation could accurately be said to embody kung fu.
  40. Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.
  41. It embodies the professional and technical requirements of the police.
  42. It is better to first define what your brand is supposed to embody and then work to support that image.
  43. If you embody traits of the best CEOs, you'll have a much better chance of rising to the top.
  44. How to Embody the Students' Main Body Quality in Curriculum Reform.
  45. But at best, competing businesses will embody different theories, with the bad ones tending to be weeded out.
  46. With reality shows, fragrances and fashion lines, the Kardashians embody the new celebrity entrepreneur.
  47. All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody.
  48. And accounting policies are accounting theory, accounting standards embodied.
  49. For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War.
  50. Hemingway's characters plainly embody his own values and view of life.
  51. As a ballerina, to embody the duality of the Swan Queen and the black swan can be a fiendishly difficult task.
  52. UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.
  53. That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family.
  54. When public opinion is particularly polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above "mere" politics and "embody" a spirit of national unity.
  55. The person who embodies democracy at the local level is the mayor.
  56. With the development, of time, texturing method also embodies different appreciative features.
  57. The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution.
  58. This model embodies many new features.