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1. A large sailing boat, often also with an engine and a place to sleep on board, used for pleasure trips and racing.
2. An expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing.

yachtyacht Image.

Use 'yacht' in a sentence:

  1. Yacht training schools have mushroomed in the country's major costal cities.
  2. It flew back over the yacht.
  3. The snow is falling on the yacht.
  4. China's yacht producers also want to have a slice of the pie.
  5. Three people were rescued from a yacht which got into difficulties.
  6. And that is just one yacht.
  7. The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.
  8. The cable severed the yacht's roof, which fell onto passengers onboard.
  9. Records show that Qingdao held the yacht race of the German Royal Yacht Club.
  10. None of the passengers on the yacht was wearing a life jacket.
  11. Demand for private yachts has gained traction in China over the past two years.
  12. Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own.
  13. Yachts were seen as luxury goods when they first appeared in China.
  14. Private yachts are one way to escape the monotony of everyday life.
  15. A captain controls a yacht on Friday during the Haikou Yachting Industry Forum.
  16. Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club is the first of its kind in the city.
  17. Come back to the yacht this evening;
  18. Chinese brand yachts will be a highlight of the Yacht Exhibition this year.
  19. They decided to join the yacht race.
  20. Buyers of the yachts were rich merchants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.
  21. Lost in the direction of the yacht.
  22. Hall said the yacht's sails were up but one was badly shredded.
  23. Some regulations are also posing problems for the country's yacht industry.
  24. Wei believes China's yachts sports need more breakthroughs, especially in oceanic navigation.
  25. One can also find a number of yachts berthed along the bank.
  26. The BTI is also involved in building a new marina for mega yachts.
  27. The yacht then left Hawaii on Nov 2 and reached Chinese waters on Monday.
  28. Do you have a yacht?
  29. Yacht renting will therefore be a major way that people can enjoy the luxury.
  30. Qingdao Yacht was the only one from China to participate in the race.
  31. It will be China's second participation in the prestigious yacht race.
  32. Is that your yacht?
  33. Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks.
  34. The local government has sent rescuers and yachts to their rescue, it said.
  35. In April 2009, a French navy commando team stormed the yacht Tanit.
  36. China's yacht production capacity is now among the global top 10.
  37. The yacht is for sale at a price of 1.7 million dollars.
  38. The yacht is sent to ask for help.
  39. Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is the world's largest amateur yacht race.
  40. There were four people on the yacht.
  41. Wealthy Russians have purchased luxury homes across Europe and commissioned huge yachts.
  42. Yacht, Danish people know how to enjoy their life.
  43. I want a house, a car, a yacht, and other things.
  44. Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.
  45. An airplane dispatched from a French base in Djibouti has flown over the yacht.
  46. China's yacht market has experienced rapid development in the last two years.
  47. The resort is the only one in Hainan that has a yacht club.
  48. The promising outlook for China's yacht market has absorbed a lot of investment.
  49. A large stash of drugs had been found aboard the yacht.
  50. She invited 750 people aboard the luxury yacht, the Savarona.
  51. The yacht was a handsome craft.
  52. Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.
  53. The yacht is built of cedar strip planking.
  54. We made a tour of the yacht, checking lashings and emergency gear.
  55. He righted the yacht and continued the race.
  56. His 36 ft yacht sank suddenly last summer.
  57. I crewed for him on his yacht last summer.
  58. She sails her own yacht.
  59. The picture shows the couple together on their yacht.