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1. A final state.
2. Bring to an end or halt.
3. The concluding parts of an event or occurrence.

Use 'end' in a sentence:

  1. He became very weak towards the end of his life.
  2. If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.
  3. I joined the end of the queue.
  4. Can't you see he's just using you for his own ends?
  5. Come and see us, if you're at a loose end.
  6. I'm at the end of my patience.
  7. It's nearly the end of term.
  8. The recession is definitely at an end.
  9. In the end it proved a pointless exercise.
  10. He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.
  11. This will surely end in disaster.
  12. Tempers flared towards the end of the meeting.
  13. Are there any problems at your end?
  14. They arranged the tables end to end.
  15. I'm truly sorry that things had to end like this.
  16. I have kept my end of the bargain.
  17. He planned to end the welfare system as we know it.
  18. He would disappear for weeks on end.
  19. They live in the end house.
  20. It was the end of a long combat.
  21. The summer came to an end.
  22. Everything will come right in the end.
  23. Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end.
  24. She was nearing the end of her life.
  25. He'll end up in the nick.
  26. I arrived at the end of April.
  27. Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.
  28. The cold war came to an end.
  29. Waitressing was a dead-end job.
  30. We didn't leave until the very end.
  31. It'll fit if you stand it on end.
  32. The war was finally at an end.
  33. Work always piles up at the end of the year.
  34. I'm always broke by the end of the month.
  35. Stop up the other end of the tube, will you?
  36. In the end they lose millions, perhaps billions.
  37. The hospital closed at the end of last year.
  38. Turn right at the end of the road.
  39. Turn right at the end of the street.
  40. This war has got to end soon.
  41. We need somebody to handle the marketing end of the business.
  42. At the end of the day we were £ 20 down.
  43. They are at the end of their food supply.
  44. I'm sure you'll get there in the end.
  45. It's the end of an era.
  46. Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year.
  47. You've got something on the end of your nose.
  48. The new model will be in production by the end of the year.
  49. Death finally brought an end to her suffering.
  50. These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.
  51. With this end in view they employed 50 new staff.
  52. Failing one exam is not the end of the world.
  53. The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  54. That was by no means the end of the matter.
  55. The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it.
  56. We had come to a dead end in our research.
  57. The results of the research are summarized at the end of the chapter.
  58. It seemed an appropriate place to end somehow.