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1. Something that happens at a given place and time.
2. A special set of circumstances.
3. A phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory.
4. A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.

Use 'event' in a sentence:

  1. The event will go ahead as planned in Chicago next summer.
  2. At that time I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere.
  3. The event did not live up to expectations.
  4. It is an event in which she reigns supreme.
  5. The event is open to all comers.
  6. My head was still buzzing after the day's events.
  7. The election was the main event of 2004.
  8. The event was not an unqualified success.
  9. A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.
  10. There was saturation coverage of the event by the media.
  11. In that event, we will have to reconsider our offer.
  12. These events are history in the making.
  13. The meeting was hyped up in the media as an important event.
  14. They produced a photographic record of the event.
  15. Yesterday's NEA event looked like a dress rehearsal for the Democratic convention.
  16. The government is keen to put some distance between itself and these events.
  17. The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event.
  18. Maria had curled her hair for the event.
  19. No official permission has been given for the event to take place.
  20. The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon.
  21. The event will kick off with a potluck.
  22. Please note the change of venue for this event.
  23. We need to draw a distinction between the two events.
  24. The event was accounted a success.
  25. The event was an undoubted success.
  26. The event was an unqualified success.
  27. Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.
  28. Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events.
  29. Recent events had no bearing on our decision.
  30. The event was voted a great success.
  31. Anyone can be wise after the event.
  32. It was an event that would transform my life.
  33. A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.
  34. In the light of later events the decision was proved right.
  35. People often give very different accounts of the same event.
  36. Her version of events was accepted without question.
  37. News of her death cast a pall over the event.
  38. Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
  39. You must place these events in their historical context.
  40. The event was held in brilliant sunshine.
  41. The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.
  42. That telephone call set in train a whole series of events.
  43. Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.
  44. The event was organized jointly by students and staff.
  45. The article is an accurate reflection of events that day.
  46. The event is bound to attract wide press coverage.
  47. This event tests both physical and mental endurance.
  48. In the normal course of events she would have gone with him.
  49. Events could have developed in a dramatically different way.
  50. The President made a personal appearance at the event.
  51. Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff.
  52. The decisions we take now may influence the course of events in the future.
  53. These events changed the course of history.
  54. Preparations are well under way for a week of special events in May.
  55. Preparations have got under way for a week of special events in May.
  56. A lot of effort has gone into making this event a success.