Home » words » fantastic example sentences



1. Extremely good; excellent.
2. Extraordinarily good or attractive.
3. Wonderful, outstanding.

Use 'fantastic' in a sentence:

  1. My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood.
  2. The car costs a fantastic amount of money.
  3. It is simply a fantastic imagination to conceive that one can master a foreign language overnight.
  4. The explorer spun many fantastic tales about his adventures in the primeval forests.
  5. Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.
  6. The response to our appeal was fantastic.
  7. It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.
  8. It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.
  9. You've got the job? Fantastic!
  10. Wow, you look fantastic!
  11. The teams served up some fantastic entertainment.
  12. There is no limit to what can be achieved here because of the fantastic support we command.
  13. I'm lost for words — it's fantastic.
  14. Isn't it fantastic? Just look at that!
  15. That's fantastic . He's vanished in the twinkling of an eye.
  16. She will design a fantastic new kitchen for you — and all within your budget.
  17. She's a fantastic dancer.
  18. The lighting at the disco was fantastic.
  19. I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled.
  20. I have a fantastic social life.
  21. They did a fantastic job.
  22. The weather was absolutely fantastic.