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1. To break or crush something into very small pieces.
2. Press with a crunching noise.
3. Work hard.

Use 'grind' in a sentence:

  1. You grind coffee beans in your mouth.
  2. Don't let them grind you down.
  3. The government is claiming the high ground in the education debate.
  4. The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.
  5. We felt the ground give way under our feet.
  6. At some point the debt will be called in, and all those service—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.
  7. You're on dangerous ground if you criticize his family.
  8. The cables are buried one metre below ground level.
  9. They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder.
  10. Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.
  11. Then we grind all the meat in the mincing machine.
  12. Grind that ledge or do that rail or jump those stairs.
  13. When you only focus on a big goal someday, it's easy to get burned out by the daily grind.
  14. She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety.
  15. The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements.
  16. Every job has its grind.
  17. It's an ideal proving ground for the new car.
  18. You grind the onion and the raw cranberries together.
  19. Prior to 1965 geologists assumed that the two giant rock plates meeting at the San Andreas Fault generate heat through friction as they grind past each otherd.
  20. Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it.
  21. Most of the people were ground down by the hunger and deep poverty.
  22. They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground.
  23. It was beyond my ability to grind a blade this broad.
  24. They swallow stones, stones that are used to help grind up the food before it's actually digested in the stomach.
  25. The rover should have at least one Martian year, to roam the planet, during which time it will collect, grind and analyze around 70 samples of rock and soil.
  26. Grind ledge or do rail or jump stairs.
  27. How did 11th grade become such a grind?
  28. But it may be a long and painful grind.
  29. He looks like he's got an axe to grind. Better have a talk with him.
  30. This area of the city has become a breeding ground for violent crime.
  31. "You see," said Hughes, "there's people who want to humiliate you and grind you down."
  32. I had to find a way to grind the corn into flour, but the rocks on the island were not hard enough.
  33. Years of oppression had ground the people down.
  34. We had to go over the same ground in class the next day.
  35. Travel frees you from the grind of daily routine.
  36. Grind on some pepper.
  37. There was an old mill that really did grind corn.
  38. The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.
  39. In the old society, the peasants were ground by poverty.
  40. Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.
  41. Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level.
  42. They needed to make up ground on their competitors.
  43. Without more money, the movie is unlikely to get off the ground.
  44. He was back on familiar ground, dealing with the customers.
  45. I'd rather meet him here on my own home ground.
  46. They are not prepared to give ground on tax cuts.
  47. The committee will prepare the ground for next month's meeting.
  48. It's a long grind to the top of that particular profession.
  49. It will be a clear night with some ground frost.
  50. The flour is ground using traditional methods.
  51. There's a lot of support for the policy on the ground.
  52. The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground.
  53. The kids were playing on waste ground near the school.
  54. The car was found on a piece of waste ground.
  55. I thought I was on safe ground discussing music with her.
  56. The argument ground on for almost two years.
  57. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.