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1. A distinguishing symbol.
2. A pattern of marks.
3. Evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score.
4. The act of making a visible mark on a surface.

Use 'marking' in a sentence:

  1. Why is marking a book necessary? Because it keeps you awake.
  2. Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the student to get future examples correct.
  3. He is marking their forward closely.
  4. Hughes was marking Taylor.
  5. Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading?
  6. Message marking was introduced in Notes 6.
  7. She spent the evening marking exam papers.
  8. Message marking based on recipients list.
  9. She does her marking in the evenings.
  10. Use the powerful Emacs text-marking routines.
  11. In build and coat and brush he was a huge timber-wolf, but the lie was given to his wolfhood by his color and marking.
  12. He was marking essays in his small study.
  13. By the 17th century, the rulers of Europe had started using fireworks as a way of marking royal occasions.
  14. Chinese New Year is a celebration marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
  15. This includes route reconnaissance and marking, convoy and oversize vehicle escort and river crossing control.
  16. He's just marking time.
  17. Johnson's rejection of his patron's belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture of patronage.
  18. A very common mistake, especially early on, is to assume that your reader is the person who will be marking the report.
  19. For example, the Long Now Foundation has as its flagship project a mechanical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.
  20. Third, decide on your own system for marking.
  21. I hate marking exam papers.
  22. Marking a book is a useful skill, but it's important to do it right.
  23. For the rest of the lunch break I do my marking.
  24. Surveyors marched inland from the coast for thousands of miles, stopping at increments of as little as a few feet to measure their elevation, and marking each increment with two poles.
  25. On our last day, the hotel manager gave me a map of the island, marking the old church, the lighthouse, and a pirate cemetery.
  26. Its successor, on the other hand, appeared to pit key socioeconomic groups in a life-or-death struggle and was widely seen by contemporary observers as marking a historical departure.
  27. Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them from marking the turf.
  28. I'm just marking time in this job—I'm hoping to get into journalism.
  29. I spend at least six hours a week marking.