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1. The most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender.
2. What you earn by working or selling things, and use to buy things.
3. The official currency issued by a government or national bank.

Use 'money' in a sentence:

  1. They've invested their money wisely.
  2. Money isn't everything.
  3. Money is my biggest bugbear.
  4. I ain't got no money.
  5. The money will go towards a new car.
  6. He's always flashing his money around.
  7. They argue continually about money.
  8. Money is my motivation.
  9. I don't have that much money on me.
  10. We had our money stolen.
  11. It's all about money these days.
  12. I've spent all my money already.
  13. They've got more money than taste.
  14. He desperately needed money.
  15. He promised his grandchildren the money.
  16. I wouldn't mind having his money!
  17. He has lost all his money.
  18. I've got loads of money.
  19. Who's the money for?
  20. We have to work within severe constraints of time and money.
  21. Large sums of money were lost.
  22. We had a fight over money.
  23. She earns a lot of money.
  24. You can't take your money with you when you go.
  25. It all comes back to a question of money.
  26. Half of the money was mine.
  27. If you want to make money, you've got to think money.
  28. I'll never have that kind of money.
  29. I'd like to pay some money into my account.
  30. How can I transfer money from my bank account to his?
  31. The bank wired her the money.
  32. She's always been very close with her money.
  33. I can't give you the money just yet.
  34. Giving her that money was a good thing to do.
  35. Money is not an issue.
  36. Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it.
  37. Money was short at that time.
  38. She seems to make her money go a long way.
  39. Money can't buy you happiness.
  40. We're buying a new TV with the money.
  41. I must go to the bank and get some money.
  42. How soon can you come up with the money?
  43. How much money do we need to do the job properly?
  44. Money means nothing to him.
  45. How much money can I afford?
  46. I don't have much money with me.
  47. She had the most money of all of them.
  48. The money is much better in my new job.
  49. The money could be better spent on more urgent cases.
  50. 'How much (money) does she earn?
  51. They were earning big money.
  52. There's money to be made from tourism.
  53. Making money came naturally to him.
  54. He gave his children the best education that money can buy.
  55. He has more money than the rest of us put together.
  56. The money was distributed among schools in the area.
  57. Money played an important role in his life.
  58. The fact is, they're there to make money.
  59. The money will go towards a new school building.