1. Motorcycle.
2. A bicycle which has a small engine.
Use 'motorbike' in a sentence:
- 1. I can't drive a car, but I a motorbike license.
- 2. I'll take a motorbike.
- 3. Tom's new motorbike goes like blazes.
- 4. He's asking £400 for his old motorbike, which I think is a bIt'steep.
- 5. She went out on her new motorbike.
- 6. I have an Australian toy motorbike.
- 7. He crashed my motorbike last year and now I've crashed his car, so we're quits.
- 8. Give my husband an old motorbike to tinker with and he's as happy as the day is long.
- 9. Hector was a big lover of riding on his motorbike with his partner Kathryn Williams.
- 10. I want to buy a motorbike.
- 11. Pray for a motorbike Pastor Noel.
- 12. It's a motorbike.
- 13. His car was in collision with a motorbike.
- 14. He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway.
- 15. Tom rode a motorbike to the cinema.
- 16. Motorbike. You were riding a motorbike?
- 17. Your motorbike isn't like mine.
- 18. Let's ride the motorbike.
- 19. Excuse me, is this your motorbike?
- 20. He fell off the motorbike. Luckily, he was not badly hurt.
- 21. No, you can't have a motorbike. Whoever put that idea into your head?
- 22. This motorbike is spoken for, you can buy that one.
- 23. I want to go by motorbike.
- 24. I have a new motorbike.
- 25. The motorbike is spinning along at full speed.
- 26. If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike.
- 27. Climb on the back of my motorbike.
- 28. If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.
- 29. Now you can see, not even as intense an experience as riding a motorbike comes close.
- 30. Motorbike was a delivery guy.
- 31. Ben drove off on his motorbike.
- 32. He brought her to the hospital on the back of his motorbike, something very rare for a respectable Pashtun woman.
- 33. When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror.
- 34. His father bought him a motorbike.
- 35. That motorbike was really travelling.
- 36. How fast is that motorbike?
- 37. If only I hadn't lost my motorbike.
- 38. Was it a figment of my imagination or did I just see John driving away on my beloved1 motorbike?
- 39. Taking a child on a motorbike without a helmet ! Have you completely lost your mind?
- 40. After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.
- 41. On his motorbike, he had put a suitcase, a supply of instant foods, water and a container of gasoline.
- 42. But I've ridden a motorbike.
- 43. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.
- 44. I'm surprised he rides a motorbike ─ I'd have thought big cars were more his style.
- 45. A truck rammed a motorbike.
- 46. Besides cutting hair, he has learned to ride a bike, a motorbike and even to drive a car.
- 47. that I would live until 120 if I don't crash on my motorbike.
- 48. He drove his motorbike, with me riding pillion.
- 49. The motorbike went into a skid.
- 50. beatniks, for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders.
- 51. Can't you get it into your head that it is dangerous to ride a motorbike without wearing protective clothing?
- 52. Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike.
- 53. Your motorbike and mine are different.
- 54. Woman: I did, but their motorbike courier's already set off with it, apparently.
- 55. A half-way house for many people is a scooter or motorbike.
- 56. He prefers a motorbike to a car.
- 57. What a fantastic new motorbike!
- 58. I'm taking the motorbike in to have It'serviced tomorrow.
- 59. A motorbike whizzed past him.
- 60. That's my friend's motorbike.
- 61. MS SMITH: Take Dave's motorbike. Here are the keys. And hurry up!
- 62. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike.
- 63. Then the second motorbike went past.
- 64. How can we go there , by motorbike or by bus? It is one mile away.
- 65. He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.
- 66. On this day a nurse calms a four-year-old girl named Amelia. She was recently hurt in a motorbike accident.
- 67. Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.
- 68. The Hell's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs.
- 69. I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop.
- 70. He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident.
- 71. A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.
- 72. I don't ride my motorbike much anymore.