Home » words » motorbike example sentences



1. Motorcycle.
2. A bicycle which has a small engine.

Use 'motorbike' in a sentence:

  1. I can't drive a car, but I a motorbike license.
  2. I'll take a motorbike.
  3. Tom's new motorbike goes like blazes.
  4. He's asking £400 for his old motorbike, which I think is a bIt'steep.
  5. She went out on her new motorbike.
  6. I have an Australian toy motorbike.
  7. He crashed my motorbike last year and now I've crashed his car, so we're quits.
  8. Give my husband an old motorbike to tinker with and he's as happy as the day is long.
  9. Hector was a big lover of riding on his motorbike with his partner Kathryn Williams.
  10. I want to buy a motorbike.
  11. Pray for a motorbike Pastor Noel.
  12. It's a motorbike.
  13. His car was in collision with a motorbike.
  14. He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway.
  15. Tom rode a motorbike to the cinema.
  16. Motorbike. You were riding a motorbike?
  17. Your motorbike isn't like mine.
  18. Let's ride the motorbike.
  19. Excuse me, is this your motorbike?
  20. He fell off the motorbike. Luckily, he was not badly hurt.
  21. No, you can't have a motorbike. Whoever put that idea into your head?
  22. This motorbike is spoken for, you can buy that one.
  23. I want to go by motorbike.
  24. I have a new motorbike.
  25. The motorbike is spinning along at full speed.
  26. If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike.
  27. Climb on the back of my motorbike.
  28. If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.
  29. Now you can see, not even as intense an experience as riding a motorbike comes close.
  30. Motorbike was a delivery guy.
  31. Ben drove off on his motorbike.
  32. He brought her to the hospital on the back of his motorbike, something very rare for a respectable Pashtun woman.
  33. When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror.
  34. His father bought him a motorbike.
  35. That motorbike was really travelling.
  36. How fast is that motorbike?
  37. If only I hadn't lost my motorbike.
  38. Was it a figment of my imagination or did I just see John driving away on my beloved1 motorbike?
  39. Taking a child on a motorbike without a helmet ! Have you completely lost your mind?
  40. After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.
  41. On his motorbike, he had put a suitcase, a supply of instant foods, water and a container of gasoline.
  42. But I've ridden a motorbike.
  43. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.
  44. I'm surprised he rides a motorbike ─ I'd have thought big cars were more his style.
  45. A truck rammed a motorbike.
  46. Besides cutting hair, he has learned to ride a bike, a motorbike and even to drive a car.
  47. that I would live until 120 if I don't crash on my motorbike.
  48. He drove his motorbike, with me riding pillion.
  49. The motorbike went into a skid.
  50. beatniks, for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders.
  51. Can't you get it into your head that it is dangerous to ride a motorbike without wearing protective clothing?
  52. Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike.
  53. Your motorbike and mine are different.
  54. Woman: I did, but their motorbike courier's already set off with it, apparently.
  55. A half-way house for many people is a scooter or motorbike.
  56. He prefers a motorbike to a car.
  57. What a fantastic new motorbike!
  58. I'm taking the motorbike in to have It'serviced tomorrow.
  59. A motorbike whizzed past him.
  60. That's my friend's motorbike.
  61. MS SMITH: Take Dave's motorbike. Here are the keys. And hurry up!
  62. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike.
  63. Then the second motorbike went past.
  64. How can we go there , by motorbike or by bus? It is one mile away.
  65. He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.
  66. On this day a nurse calms a four-year-old girl named Amelia. She was recently hurt in a motorbike accident.
  67. Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.
  68. The Hell's Angels were once the most notorious and anarchistic of motorbike gangs.
  69. I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop.
  70. He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident.
  71. A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.
  72. I don't ride my motorbike much anymore.