Home » words » quietly example sentences



1. With low volume.
2. With little or no sound.
3. With little or no activity or no agitation.

Use 'quietly' in a sentence:

  1. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.
  2. He quietly intoned several prayers.
  3. Don't mind me ─ I'll just sit here quietly.
  4. She's not going to go quietly.
  5. It was raining quietly and steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive.
  6. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" she said quietly.
  7. I follow them quietly.
  8. The lorry quietly rolled forward.
  9. I sat quietly, musing on the events of the day.
  10. He ate quietly, relishing his meal.
  11. She spoke quietly to still the frightened child.
  12. I'll just sit quietly.
  13. The ship's engines throbbed quietly.
  14. Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand.
  15. We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.
  16. The truck quietly rolled forward and demolished all the old wooden fencing.
  17. 'Go back and make sure that no harm comes to him,' he said quietly.
  18. Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them.
  19. He walked very quietly.
  20. We live very quietly and we'll live more quietly.
  21. He sat quietly in the first class cabin of the flight looking tired.
  22. He was treading quietly and cautiously.
  23. She waited quietly with her hands in her lap.
  24. Quietly I leave, just as I quietly came.
  25. We spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards.
  26. He went away quietly.
  27. "I am a sinful man, Magda," he said quietly.
  28. He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti.
  29. Again, Murphy had quietly outmanoeuvred him.
  30. They only sleep quietly.
  31. But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.
  32. She spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her.
  33. Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers.
  34. Then, I quietly laughed.
  35. "We wouldn't get in the way," Suzanne promised. "We'd just stand quietly in a corner."
  36. Juan sat quietly through the telling of this saga.
  37. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap.
  38. She spoke in a quietly melodious voice.
  39. Time has disappeared quietly.
  40. Autumn has come quietly!
  41. The home team kept quiet, stuck to their game plan, and quietly racked up the points.
  42. He sat quietly in the First Class cabin, looking tired.
  43. Stand quietly, children, and try not to talk to your neighbour.
  44. American forces are observing Christmas quietly.
  45. I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.
  46. They broke with tradition and got married quietly.
  47. He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears.
  48. She lay quietly, enfolded in his arms.
  49. Leeds kept quiet, stuck to their game plan and quietly racked up the points.
  50. He sat there ever so quietly.