Definition: 1. New information about specific and timely events. 2. New information of any kind. 3. A program devoted to news. 4. Information reported in a newspaper or news magazine.
Use 'news' in a sentence:
1. She looked astounded at the news.
2. The news rocked the world.
3. I was thrilled by your news.
4. The news astonished everyone.
5. Here is a late news flash.
6. The news made him very happy.
7. She works on the news desk.
8. The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts.
9. She is always in the news.
10. Have you heard the latest news?
11. I've just heard the news.
12. Foreign News is on page 16.
13. The news is not yet official.
14. Can you put the news on?
15. Brian messaged me the news.
16. News travels fast these days.
17. Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories.
18. News is starting to trickle out.
19. They told us the dreadful news.
20. The divorce made front-page news.
21. The story has very little news value.
22. The news lifted our spirits.
23. The news left her dumbfounded.
24. The news heartened everybody.
25. They reacted violently to the news.
26. I started after her to tell her the news.
27. The news really made my day.
28. She seemed unperturbed by the news.
29. I was close to tears as I told them the news.
30. She was bursting to tell him the good news.
31. Pop stars are always news.
32. The news programme came to us via satellite.
33. The news removed any doubts about the company's future.
34. I'm delighted at your news.
35. This is very good news.
36. I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret.
37. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?
38. It was three weeks later that he heard the news.
39. Six months passed and we still had no news of them.
40. The wedding was front-page news.
41. News of a serious road accident is just coming in.
42. We had some sad news yesterday.
43. The news of my promotion came as a shock.
44. I have to admit that the news gave us a shock.
45. She went white as a sheet when she heard the news.
46. The train crash dominated the news.
47. My news will astonish you.
48. Loud cheers greeted the news.
49. I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.
50. News of their safety came as a great relief.
51. The cut in interest rates is good news for homeowners.
52. The news of her promotion went over well with her colleagues.
53. We got the news on the morning of the wedding.
54. The news had a destabilizing effect on the stock market.
55. The news caused great excitement among her friends.
56. They were deeply affected by the news of her death.