Definition: 1. Cut down on; make a reduction in. 2. Make less complex. 3. Bring to humbler or weaker state or condition. 4. Simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another.
Use 'reduce' in a sentence:
1. It is desirable that interest rates be reduced.
2. The pistons are graphite-coated to reduce friction.
3. The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes.
4. Some in the market now want government regulation in order to reduce costs.
5. Use ice to reduce the swelling.
6. It is desirable that interest rates should be reduced.
7. The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.
8. The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.
9. 100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
10. Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.
11. They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
12. His argument was that public spending must be reduced.
13. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.
14. The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt.
15. The government is looking to reduce inflation.
16. The company announced a series of manoeuvres to raise cash and reduce debt.
17. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.
18. The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.
19. We wanted to reduce the cost of heating and air-conditioning.
20. If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating.
21. We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.
22. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.
23. Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity.
24. Reduce speed now.
25. These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.
26. The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25.
27. Chemicals are injected into the fruit to reduce decay.
28. They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption.
29. Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks.
30. Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills.
31. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
32. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
33. Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.
34. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
35. There is some noise in the data which needs to be reduced.
36. If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
37. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
38. Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals.
39. These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare.
40. We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
41. Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
42. We can reduce the problem to two main issues.
43. We offer special reduced rates for students.
44. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.
45. Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
46. He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.
47. They hope to reduce unit costs through extra sales.
48. The packets are measured to reduce waste.
49. Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.
50. This should help reduce the pain.
51. We'll need to reduce the weight by half.
52. Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.
53. We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.