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1. An advocate of a republic (usually in opposition to a monarchy).
2. Relating to or belonging to the Republican Party.
3. Having the supreme power lying in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them or characteristic of such government.

Use 'republican' in a sentence:

  1. He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.
  2. The tight race is almost a duplicate of the elections in Georgia and South Dakota last month that pitted a Republican challenger against a Democratic incumbent.
  3. She declined the Republican Party's entreaties to run for his seat.
  4. The Republicans got shellacked in the elections.
  5. Lower taxes made Republican voters happier with their party.
  6. His Republican credentials made him an asset.
  7. Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.
  8. The Republican candidate's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly.
  9. 52.5% of those questioned said they'd vote Republican.
  10. Republican senators were scathing in their criticism of today's hearing.
  11. The Republicans had better get used to the fact that in all probability, they are going to lose.
  12. Most of the U.S. attorneys are holdovers from Republican days.
  13. What made you decide to become a Republican, as opposed to a Democrat?
  14. They blamed his proposal for much of the mass desertion by the Republican electorate.
  15. The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.
  16. A lot of Republicans are unhappy that the government isn't doing more.
  17. They refused to allow Republicans to offer amendments, effectively shutting them out of the process.
  18. How the reform movement and the Republican revolution changed everyday life.
  19. The election may not be the traditional two-horse race between the preferred Democrat and Republican party candidates.
  20. Amy's own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed.
  21. Roman republican law upheld a humanistic view of marriage.
  22. President Clinton has threatened to veto the Republican plans.
  23. Mr. Lake was an important cog in the republican campaign machine.
  24. There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.
  25. I'm canvassing for the Republican Party.
  26. One of the goals of the campaign is to cut off the elite Republican Guard from its supplies.
  27. The committee contains 11 Democrats and nine Republicans.
  28. Senate Republicans are less gung-ho about tax cuts.
  29. Democrats and Republicans differed right down the line on what the proper responses were.
  30. Some families have been republican for generations.
  31. Mr Lake was an important cog in the Republican campaign machine.
  32. Introduction of the republican motherhood thesis dramatically changed historiography.
  33. Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.
  34. Preliminary results show the Republican Party with 11 percent of the vote.
  35. Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running.
  36. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.
  37. Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
  38. The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in.
  39. The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy to stay ahead."
  40. Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
  41. He continued to urge the Republican Party to tilt rightward.
  42. The Republicans took the moral high ground with the message that they were best equipped to manage the authority.
  43. Yet it is feared the Republican leadership could split over the agreement.
  44. He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election.
  45. For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.
  46. Bush's Republican Party faces a tough challenge in midterm congressional elections in November.
  47. The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
  48. The Republicans have polled well in recent elections.
  49. Many Democrats bolted the party to vote Republican.
  50. The Republican Right despise him.
  51. How many states did the Republicans win?
  52. The speech was interrupted by members of the Republican Party, who called him a traitor.
  53. When Republican write-ins were included, Johnson's margin of victory was only 330 votes.
  54. The Republicans are trying to embarrass the president by thwarting his economic program.
  55. The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.
  56. He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.