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1. Only one.
2. Characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing.
3. Not married or having a romantic relationship with someone.

Use 'single' in a sentence:

  1. A single shot rang out.
  2. Three episodes have been telescoped into a single programme.
  3. Are you still single?
  4. We eat rice every single day.
  5. It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.
  6. Virtually all surface and near-surface terrestrial water occurs and moves as part of a single vast hydrologic system.
  7. The bedroom was lit by a single candle.
  8. Inflation is down to single figures.
  9. Most single parents are either divorced or separated.
  10. She is very single-minded about her career.
  11. Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatized.
  12. How much is a single to York?
  13. How much is the single fare to Glasgow?
  14. Our first single got a lot of airplay.
  15. She lived and died a single woman.
  16. The stairwell was lit by a single bulb.
  17. These countries can no longer be viewed as a single entity.
  18. There is a £ 10 supplement for a single room.
  19. People that are single tend to be more footloose.
  20. I can't remember his taking a single day off work.
  21. Is it difficult being a single mother?
  22. The single is a rip-off of a 70s hit.
  23. I couldn't understand a single word she said!
  24. Her latest single is a ballad.
  25. The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts.
  26. He sent her a single red rose.
  27. Is that a single or a double you want?
  28. The bridge crosses the river in a single span.
  29. Every single time he calls, I'm out.
  30. The two companies have been fused into a single organization.
  31. All these jobs can now be done by one single machine.
  32. Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one.
  33. The single is titled "White Love."
  34. Small businesses are well situated to benefit from the single market.
  35. When will the single currency be operable?
  36. Their latest single represents a new departure for the band.
  37. He felled his opponent with a single blow.
  38. She wore a single strand of pearls around her neck.
  39. They agglomerated many small pieces of research into a single large study.
  40. The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups.
  41. The band releases its new single next week.
  42. Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority.
  43. The number of people who fail each year is now in single figures.
  44. The group let rip with a single from their new album.
  45. Unemployment is the single most important factor in the growing crime rates.
  46. A single red LED shows that the power is switched on.
  47. They won by a single goal after extra time.
  48. They made their way in single file along the cliff path.
  49. The apartments are ideal for single people living alone.
  50. It isn't going to solve a single thing.
  51. They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market.
  52. Single words are the building blocks of language.