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1. Either of the two round soft parts at the front of a woman's body that produce milk when she has had a baby.
2. The top part of the front of your body, below your neck.
3. The part of a piece of clothing that covers your chest.

Use 'breast' in a sentence:

  1. Kate Jackson is expecting her first child at 43 — two years after beating breast cancer.
  2. There are many advantages to breast feeding.
  3. Sadly, my mother died of breast cancer when I was six.
  4. Marinade the chicken breasts in the tandoori paste.
  5. She won over the breast cancer in the end.
  6. The coat is too tight at the breast.
  7. She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.
  8. Our country has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer.
  9. She developed a malignant breast tumour.
  10. Cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon.
  11. I might as well make a clean breast of it. I have been living as a woman since 1975.
  12. He has a bullet wound in the left breast.
  13. The breast can be cut into portions for grilling.
  14. With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.
  15. Milk from the mother's breast is a perfect food for the human baby.
  16. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.
  17. Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.
  18. A woman can choose to have breast implants.
  19. Fortunately, cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon.
  20. I kept the list in my breast pocket.
  21. Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US.
  22. Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the U.S.
  23. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age.
  24. She spent hours practising the breast stroke.
  25. She could feel a lump in her breast.
  26. Check your breasts for lumps every month.
  27. The baby sucked at its mother's breast.
  28. Leading scientists claim breast-fed babies are intellectually brighter.
  29. The robin has a red breast.
  30. We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.
  31. Her mother died of breast cancer.
  32. A row of medals was pinned to the breast of his coat.
  33. She put the baby to her breast.
  34. One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer.
  35. Not all women have the choice whether or not to breast feed their babies.
  36. She cradled the child against her breast.
  37. The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.
  38. This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk.
  39. He struck his breast in a dramatic gesture.
  40. How can any woman rest easy now, knowing her breast cancer may be misdiagnosed?
  41. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country.
  42. The battle roared; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier.
  43. The verse rose up to fire his breast with inspiration.