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1. The general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time.
2. A condition or position in which you find yourself.
3. A complex or critical or unusual difficulty.
4. Physical position in relation to the surroundings.
5. A job in an organization.

Use 'situation' in a sentence:

  1. The situation in the country is becoming increasingly anarchic.
  2. They are able to master the situation.
  3. The situation is encouraging.
  4. She is master of the situation.
  5. The inventory situation was righting itself.
  6. And now for a look at the travel situation in the rest of the country.
  7. A similar situation prevails in Canada.
  8. This situation has split up the family.
  9. The situation is tending towards stability.
  10. That was an embarrassing situation for me.
  11. Army officers said the situation was under control.
  12. The town is in a delightful situation in a wide green valley.
  13. In your situation, I would look for another job.
  14. Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.
  15. One should not oversimplify the situation.
  16. The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.
  17. Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
  18. I'm in a no-win situation (= whatever I do will be bad for me) .
  19. Situations Vacant (= the title of the section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised)
  20. The house has a fine situation.
  21. It takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely.
  22. Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was.
  23. It was an altogether different situation.
  24. Figure the situation to yourself, what can I do?
  25. the present economic/financial/political, etc. situation.
  26. My understanding of the situation is.
  27. You dealt with the situation very effectively.
  28. Officials tried to salvage the situation.
  29. His explanation agrees with the facts of the situation.
  30. He could see no way out of the situation.
  31. They depicted the thrilling situation to us in great detail.
  32. This situation is easily remedied.
  33. The garden is in a beautiful situation on top of a fold in the rolling Hampshire landscape.
  34. The situation is highly dangerous.
  35. The situation is unstable and potentially dangerous.
  36. What we have here is a crisis situation.
  37. I'm afraid I completely misread the situation.
  38. The situation calls for prompt action.
  39. The whole situation is a mess.
  40. You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately.
  41. He sized up the situation very quickly.
  42. Clearly, the situation remains delicately poised.
  43. How do you read the present situation?
  44. We must take steps to rectify the situation.
  45. This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.
  46. We have all been in similar embarrassing situations.
  47. I stepped back and analysed the situation.
  48. Our financial situation had become precarious.
  49. The situation required that he be present.
  50. The situation got steadily worse.
  51. The situation is beyond our control.
  52. The situation is under control.
  53. The situation was beyond her control.
  54. He didn't appreciate the comedy of the situation.
  55. The market situation is difficult to evaluate.