1. A detailed critical inspection.
2. The act of looking or seeing or observing.
3. A general study, view or description of something.
Use 'survey' in a sentence:
- 1. Children under five are excepted from the survey.
- 2. The survey's findings are a matter of great concern.
- 3. We would welcome your views about the survey.
- 4. I have an analytical approach to every survey.
- 5. He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room.
- 6. Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report.
- 7. We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up.
- 8. A quarter of all the people surveyed were don't-knows.
- 9. A survey reflects business scepticism about the strength of the economic recovery.
- 10. He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out.
- 11. The survey covers all aspects of the business.
- 12. One of the main findings of the survey was the confusion about the facilities already in place.
- 13. The survey results are published in full as an appendix to Mr. Barton's discussion paper.
- 14. In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour.
- 15. According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.
- 16. The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.
- 17. A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements.
- 18. The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales.
- 19. One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer.
- 20. This very thorough survey goes back to 1784.
- 21. The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.
- 22. They could give no credence to the findings of the survey.
- 23. The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.
- 24. The recent survey found that 20 percent of rented dwellings are unfit for human habitation.
- 25. A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.
- 26. 'What a mess!' she said, surveying the scene after the party.
- 27. The survey implies (that) more people are moving house than was thought.
- 28. Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.
- 29. He surveys American politics with a conservative world view.
- 30. The survey covers a representative sample of schools.
- 31. The city council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.
- 32. Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea.
- 33. The survey may cost at least £ 100 but is money well spent.
- 34. Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.
- 35. The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire.
- 36. According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile.
- 37. The results of the survey made fascinating reading.
- 38. A survey of the American diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight.
- 39. Only 16 percent of young women in a 1990 survey considered themselves feminists.
- 40. The survey suggests that the export sector will continue to aid the economic recovery.
- 41. A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.
- 42. They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm.
- 43. He sniffed the perfume she wore, then gave her a quick survey.
- 44. The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.
- 45. The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%.
- 46. The survey was carried out in both urban and rural areas.
- 47. This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.
- 48. But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.
- 49. The survey formed part of a larger programme of research.
- 50. The survey covers a wide geographical area.
- 51. The survey implies more people are moving house than was thought.
- 52. The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample.