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1. To say hello to somebody or to welcome them.
2. Express greetings upon meeting someone.
3. React to in a certain way.
4. Be perceived by.

Use 'greet' in a sentence:

  1. Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a polite bow.
  2. She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.
  3. I was so thrilled about today's meet-and-greet that I couldn't fall asleep last night.
  4. The political assistant is coming, go and greet him.
  5. The suggestion was greeted by a dismayed silence.
  6. When I heard him greet the nurses at the station, I dragged myself up.
  7. He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace.
  8. Loud cheers greeted the news.
  9. The news was greeted with a lack of enthusiasm by those at the meeting.
  10. They greet their children's teenage with needless dread.
  11. It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat.
  12. Therefore we went to the library a little earlier to greet him.
  13. He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles.
  14. "Yes, indeed, I also must greet our little Heidi," said the gentleman, shaking Heidi's hand.
  15. I was greeted by a shocking sight.
  16. Let's greet each other.
  17. A waiter comes up to greet them.
  18. I was greeted with a show of cordiality.
  19. He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived.
  20. In Western countries, it is quite common to greet close friends or relatives with a hug.
  21. She liked to be home to greet Steve when he came in from school.
  22. The team's win was greeted as a major triumph.
  23. She rose to greet her guests.
  24. She greeted us with a smile.
  25. Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage.
  26. People in European countries such as Italy often greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks.
  27. People often greet each other with light cheek kisses.
  28. He decided to learn some English words so that he might greet Bill Clinton, president of the USA then, in English.
  29. The news was greeted with dismay in some quarters.
  30. Here are three things about how Chinese greet the Start of Summer.
  31. Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.
  32. All wanted blood except the boys, who liked it as a rule, but to-night were out to greet their captain.
  33. It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States.
  34. Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others, but they dislike it when you just put the cards in your pocket without looking.
  35. People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses.
  36. The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.
  37. The changes were greeted with suspicion.
  38. Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow.
  39. I hate to greet the committee with bad news, but it can't be helped.
  40. She floated down the steps to greet us.
  41. How should l greet, whIt'silence and tears.
  42. Think about how we greet people.
  43. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn.
  44. The performance was greeted with polite applause.
  45. When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion.
  46. And scarcely greet me with that sun shine eye.
  47. He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide.
  48. Mom would greet us with a hug and kiss.
  49. Take this opportunity to walk through your town or city and greet all of those you pass.
  50. As Christmas nears, Caribou plans to provide a Turkey menu to greet the season.
  51. He bounced across the room to greet them.
  52. Her speech was greeted with howls of derision.
  53. This was impossible for Mr. Candidate, who had to greet Mr. Sesemann first.
  54. The smoke got pretty bad, though, and when I made my exit, a crowd and the police were there to greet me.
  55. Jim came across the room to greet his friends.
  56. She greeted him with stiff formality.
  57. Rush to the boulevard to meet and greet the tourists.
  58. We've come to see you, so you could at least stand and greet us properly.
  59. Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.
  60. Nobody, not even a ray of sunshine is here to greet you.
  61. The news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders.
  62. In some cultures we greet people by shaking hands or with another gesture to show that we are not carrying weapons—that we come in peace.
  63. He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.
  64. The team members were greeted like conquering heroes.
  65. Everyone was more relaxed, in a greet mood, up for anything.
  66. Every year, Hindus greet the turn of winter into spring with a splash of color—in some areas, a geyser of color.
  67. The suggestion was greeted by hoots of laughter.
  68. Greet Mary , who has worked hard for you.
  69. Cor. 13:13 All the saints greet you.
  70. Greet people and hope that they have a good day whatever time of day it is.
  71. The speech was greeted with loud boos from the audience.
  72. He was greeted with rapturous applause.
  73. Kissing in Italy is only used to greet very close friends or family.
  74. You needn't worry; I'll be ready to greet them. Meanwhile, I'm off to discuss the Fowler's party with Felix.
  75. She waved a friendly greeting.
  76. He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.
  77. Black cherry with hints of black olive and plum greet the palate.
  78. We were greeted with hugs and kisses.
  79. The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.
  80. His speech was greeted with gales of laughter.
  81. His speech was greeted by a roar of applause.