Home » words » guitar example sentences



1. A stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking.

Use 'guitar' in a sentence:

  1. She played a tune on her guitar.
  2. Someone was twanging a guitar in the next room.
  3. The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.
  4. My three guitars broke one after the other.
  5. She plays guitar in a band.
  6. His new guitar is a very expensive beast.
  7. Turn the guitars up full and let rip.
  8. As she sang she strummed on a guitar.
  9. He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.
  10. In the corner, one youth sat alone, softly strumming a guitar.
  11. Sophie took her Mom's guitar.
  12. There's some nifty guitar work on his latest CD.
  13. His guitar solos are just unbelievable.
  14. Do you play the guitar ?
  15. Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
  16. She smiled her thanks and arranged the guitar under her arm.
  17. The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.
  18. She's no slouch on the guitar.
  19. He made playing the guitar look effortless.
  20. She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitar, bass and congas.
  21. He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band.
  22. He learned to play the guitar.
  23. Do you play the guitar?
  24. 'We do tune our guitars before we go on,' he insisted.
  25. After a couple of brief instrumentals, he puts his guitar down.
  26. His guitar makes a noise like a wooden ruler being twanged upon a desk.
  27. She was trying to teach him to play the guitar.
  28. How can John play the guitar?
  29. She flogged her guitar to another student.
  30. This guitar is a delight to play.
  31. You were swinging your guitar.
  32. I'm going to play the guitar.
  33. You didn't just schlep your guitar around from folk club to folk club.
  34. I made a guitar and painted it red.
  35. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.
  36. As he sang, he strummed his guitar.
  37. He began performing in the early fifties, singing and playing guitar.
  38. He played some wah-wah guitar.
  39. Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work.
  40. The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs.
  41. Guitar £ 200 o.n.o.
  42. That guitar's been sitting gathering dust for years now.
  43. In the 1960s, the electric guitar virtuosity of Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation.
  44. He went off to change a guitar string.
  45. He took the guitar and plucked at the strings.
  46. Duffy's primitive guitar playing is well below par.
  47. The original version featured a guitar solo.