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1. A liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice.
2. A distinctive odor that is pleasant.

Use 'perfume' in a sentence:

  1. Quantities of flowers were blooming everywhere, filling the air with perfume.
  2. There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.
  3. The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps, foam baths, and scents.
  4. The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume.
  5. A new perfume from Russia came in a bottle shaped like a tank.
  6. A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.
  7. The air was heady with the perfume from roses.
  8. I was delighted by the beauty and perfume of the flower.
  9. She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.
  10. She put a dab of perfume behind her ears.
  11. The demand for perfume resulted in a fashion for fancy scent bottles.
  12. She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.
  13. Bewitched by the patter of a perfume merchant, entranced by the pink and gold of these scented flasks.
  14. We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens.
  15. Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer.
  16. Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.
  17. Perfume interacts with the skin's natural chemicals.
  18. The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
  19. Who's wearing that spicy perfume?
  20. The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.
  21. The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses.
  22. You can smell the perfume of jasmine.
  23. A bottle of expensive perfume.
  24. All three theories could be true. In particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is obvious.
  25. Her perfume might be your symbol, or her face, or anything.
  26. We stock a wide range of perfumes.
  27. Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
  28. Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.
  29. He caught a whiff of her perfume.
  30. As they bake, they perfume the whole house with the aroma of apples and spices.
  31. I tried to identify her perfume.
  32. On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called'Scented Shadow'or for'insoluble bath cubes '.
  33. She opened the perfumed envelope.
  34. The hall smelled of her mother's perfume.
  35. She dabbed on a little perfume.
  36. Those roses perfume the whole garden.
  37. Flowers started to perfume the air.
  38. He sniffed the perfume she wore, then gave her a quick survey.
  39. Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail.
  40. Mother puts perfume on her handkerchief to make it smell pleasant.
  41. This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.
  42. Gomez also has a production company, a perfume brand and four films.
  43. She drenched herself in perfume.
  44. She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
  45. The air was heavy with the perfume of the flower.
  46. Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.
  47. Many companies bottle perfume.
  48. As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume.
  49. The whole air was filled with fragrant flowers' perfume, and the child drew it in, in long breaths.
  50. He caught a whiff of perfume as he leaned towards her.
  51. What does the perfume smell like?
  52. I'd nick stuff to sell on in pubs and the park: a bag, a duvet set, perfume or cosmetics.
  53. She took a deep sniff of the perfume.
  54. Buy them a new perfume.