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1. A series with a definite pattern of advance.
2. A movement forward.
3. The act of moving forward toward a goal.

Use 'progression' in a sentence:

  1. Properties, progression and application of Ni-base corrosion resistant alloys.
  2. The main reason you should do this is for self progression.
  3. But I can see that progression.
  4. The most frequent cause of death was NHL progression (74%).
  5. Progression of research on thermodynamic model of metallic alloy melts alloy plating.
  6. After all reflection is the key to progression.
  7. The progression of cell cycle was arrested in S phase.
  8. I think they saw it as a natural progression for me.
  9. Canadian geophysicist Tuzo Wilson realized that this age progression could result if the islands were formed on a surface plate moving over a fixed volcanic source in the interior.
  10. Progression really is somewhat of a marvel.
  11. Research Progression of Molecular Mechanism of Peritoneal Dissemination of Gastric Cancer.
  12. Some comprehension on the teaching of the definition of progression limit.
  13. Progression in Fundamental Research of New Generation Steels.
  14. Let's go on now to talk about chord progression.
  15. The processes and the recently progression of the cryopreservation of biological materials.
  16. Applied Foreground and Research Progression of Competitive Technical Intelligence in China.
  17. The case study shows the applicability of catastrophe progression method in ecological suitability assessment.
  18. Research Progression on Effect of Water Stress on Growth and Development and Yield in Rice.
  19. Controlling glucose can slow the progression of long-term complications.
  20. This is just the next natural step in that progression.
  21. Let's move to a four-chord chord progression.
  22. This sort of progression is healthy and realistic.
  23. Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.
  24. Assessment of degree of progression, MRI> CT in 3 cases;
  25. The Historical Progression and Factors on Social Service Function in American Research University.
  26. Development and Progression of Transformer Manufacturing Technology in Past 40 Years.
  27. It's a progression.
  28. New Progression about Gravity Quantization in General Relativity Theory in Real Space-time.
  29. Establishment of malignant progression associated gene expression profiles in human brain glioma.
  30. Acholic feces may occur with acute liver failure or progression of chronic disease.
  31. The median time to progression was 96 days.
  32. It's kind of a natural progression, to a degree.
  33. Conclusion The changes of NK cells is related to HIV disease progression.
  34. The Theme and Patterns of Thematic Progression in English Narrative Text.
  35. It could also be used to track the progression of Parkinson's and to measure whether new experimental treatments are having an impact.
  36. Mindfulness may even slow the progression of HIV.
  37. Inhibitor drugs have been developed to block two of the proteins, to slow progression of the disease after infection.
  38. Actually, the CE progression pattern for USN is only vaguely specified.
  39. Understanding that open communication is the key to progression.
  40. Online "friends" made through social media do not follow the normal psychological progression of an interpersonal relationship.
  41. Outline and Progression about the Study of Controlling Agricultural Tridimensional Pollution.
  42. Well, first of all, logical progression.
  43. The Thematic Progression Mode and the Strategy of English-Chinese Translation.
  44. An Important Conclusion and Usage about Convergence and Diffusion Properties of Arbitrary Term Progression.
  45. The progression of class-itis typically goes like this.
  46. There seems to be a natural limit to this progression.
  47. A slow progression, painful to witness.
  48. Research Progression on Effect of Water Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Responses in Rice.
  49. We get on well, but there's no kind of progression.
  50. What is a chord progression?
  51. Staging to determine the state of disease progression.
  52. It is still a global challenge because the pathogenesis is unclear and current treatments cannot delay progression of the disease.
  53. Thus, the socially accepted norm with regard to afternoon eating agendas comprises the following progression of meals: Lunch--> Linner--> Dunch--> Dinner.
  54. I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.
  55. The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.
  56. How do you explain the diversity of jobs you've had? The positions don't seem to be in a logical progression (for job hoppers).
  57. Fossil formations like the Burgess Shale show that evolution cannot always be thought of as a slow progression.