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1. From that time on.

Use 'thereafter' in a sentence:

  1. Thereafter, his linguistic abilities would decrease as he gets older.
  2. Thereafter, domestic consumption will drive the economic growth.
  3. We graduated shortly thereafter.
  4. Thereafter they did not speak.
  5. Thereafter all satirical drawings were called cartoons.
  6. Shortly thereafter, the passengers heard the captain's voice again, "Guess what, folks. We just lost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late."
  7. Thereafter, the government will consult the public on details of the implementation plan.
  8. For many years thereafter, it was the bicycle that changed my life.
  9. Thereafter they will be officially called Police Dogs.
  10. Hamas over-ran the Gaza Strip shortly thereafter in June of 2006.
  11. Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.
  12. I was from South Los Angeles, thereafter, not Watts.
  13. The matter was then allowed to rest.; No more was heard of the matter thereafter.
  14. Inflation will fall and thereafter so will interest rates.
  15. Many of those who experienced this sharp break thereafter lacked the ties that had bound them and their ancestors to a single place.
  16. The plan will help you lose 3-4 pounds the first week, and 1-2 pounds the weeks thereafter.
  17. Soon thereafter, mom sent out her letters of thanks.
  18. On the opening day all tickets are a dollar, thereafter, they'll be two dollars.
  19. Thereafter, the theory and concept of distribution channel management is explained specifically at the next part.
  20. Tour C-Windsor Castle& Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace-£ 34 until March and £ 37 thereafter.
  21. Something with a decimal point and Numbers thereafter.
  22. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses.
  23. Shortly thereafter we would roll out the one-page plan.
  24. Soon thereafter, they relinquished the town to the Soviets.
  25. Thereafter you are subject to the vagaries of the market.
  26. Tour D-Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great-£ 33 until 18 March and £ 37 thereafter.
  27. Thereafter the cutting depth can be precisely predicted using this ANN model.
  28. Thereafter the thesis summarizes the characteristics of Human Auditory System ( HAS).
  29. Six were detained by police shortly thereafter.
  30. Thereafter, the change in behaviour was smaller.
  31. Each pregnancy thereafter decreases her risk a further 10%.
  32. But thereafter we will indeed be Monday, Wednesday.
  33. Tour B-Oxford& Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's house-£ 32 until 12 March and £ 36 thereafter.
  34. Thereafter, Australia's modern development entered a new stage.
  35. He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.
  36. Thereafter his uncle left him free to get on with it.
  37. Thereafter, the military remained the locus of real power.
  38. Tour A-Bath& Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge-£ 37 until 26 March and £ 39 thereafter.
  39. Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris.
  40. The CP content increased within 25 days, and decreased slowly thereafter.
  41. Leaf area index decreased rapidly thereafter, until the buried pier.
  42. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business.
  43. Shortly thereafter, she was declared pharaoh.
  44. It was the only time she had ever discouraged him from dangerous activities and she regretted it thereafter.
  45. For several decades thereafter control of infectious disease was based exclusively on the use of antisera and vaccines.
  46. Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost.
  47. To prevent the tiger from hurting anyone else, wildlife experts tranquilized the tiger and finally captured it. A preliminary examination was carried out immediately thereafter.
  48. But as to what happened thereafter, that will be disclosed in the ensuing chapter.
  49. My mother had taught me to knit at 15, and I knitted in class throughout college and for a few years thereafter.
  50. She married at 17 and gave birth to her first child shortly thereafter.
  51. A dark frame calibration is automatically applied to all CCD images that are loaded thereafter.
  52. These lines should collide in April or shortly thereafter.
  53. But a semicolon thereafter is sufficient.
  54. The final section provides that any work produced for the company is thereafter owned by the company.