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1. Everything that exists anywhere.
2. (statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn.
3. Everything stated or assumed in a given discussion.

Use 'universe' in a sentence:

  1. Einstein's equations showed the Universe to be expanding.
  2. Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.
  3. I'm very interested in why the universe exists at all.
  4. Einstein's equations showed the universe to be expanding.
  5. The stink of poop is not an irreducible fact about the universe.
  6. Einstein re-imagined the framework for the universe.
  7. The whole universe was a super-hot soup of radiation filled with these particles.
  8. Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of the Universe.
  9. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.
  10. Not everyone knows when the universe came into being.
  11. Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
  12. We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the universe.
  13. What baffled scientists for so long is why is there a universe at all?
  14. The whole universe was a super hot soup of radiation filled with these particles.
  15. Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
  16. It is still unknown how the universe came into existence.
  17. Our world is a small part of the universe.
  18. We all look forward to the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe.
  19. Science and technology make it possible for scientists to explore the universe.
  20. Why did the ancient Greeks believe that the Earth was the center of the universe?
  21. We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe.
  22. Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain.
  23. Our world is only a small part of the universe.
  24. The macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the mind.
  25. Stephen Hawking wrote many books and he educated the world with his universe knowledge.
  26. What's baffled scientists for so long is "why is there a universe at all?".
  27. The supersession of the old by the new is a general, eternal and inviolable law of the universe.
  28. We want to know whether we are alone in the Universe.
  29. The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe.
  30. If the radio waves are so good at getting through the universe, what's the problem?
  31. According to my friends I am the coolest, thinnest, cleverest, funniest journalist in the universe.
  32. Some worrywarts have predicted that if the scientists actually do create a new universe, it might destroy the existing one.
  33. Scientists claimed yesterday to have solved the riddle of the birth of the universe.
  34. The AU is a cosmic measuring rod, and the basis of how we scale the Universe today.
  35. The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
  36. David has read that the circus elephants are the most unhappy creatures in the universe.
  37. The entire universe is made up of different kinds of matter.
  38. The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets.
  39. The $617 million satellite will study energy radiation from the most violent stars in the universe.
  40. This was one man pitted against the universe.
  41. Observers have recently found in the Universe giant voids about 500,000,000 light-years across.
  42. The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists.
  43. Good writers suck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page.
  44. Good writers suck in what they see of the world, recreating their own universe on the page.
  45. It urges us to explore the unknown domain of the universe.
  46. They marked out the boundaries of our visual universe.
  47. The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp.
  48. The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
  49. Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure.
  50. The physical universe is finite in space and time.
  51. It's hoped that the telescope will enable scientists to see deeper into the universe than ever before.
  52. We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe, and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins.